Ninety Minutes to Map Your Year - Why you need to stop trying to do everything yourself and start leading in a way that empowers and engages your talented team.

It is so easy for leaders to try to do everything themselves. In many companies working long hours is a badge of honour. But is it good for you?

Is it sustainable on a personal level? Is it really the best or only way to lead?

The answer is no.

It is not the best way and it is not the only way. The myth of the leader as a superhero is officially dead.

It is not good for your health or the health of the company. It totally fails to take advantage of the wide skills and capacity of your talented team members.

Around the world forward thinking companies are exploring a leadership approach where decision making happens throughout the organisation.

This reduces the pressure on leaders and creates a more rewarding culture for everyone.

In this ninety minute session we will encourage you to explore your options for the year ahead and to consider what kind of a leader you want to be?

We will look at this alternative leadership style and the companies who are using it. 

Our goal in this session is to encourage you to reflect on your leadership style and the impact on your health of working in this way.

We hope to inspire you with the possibility of working in a new way.

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